Where will it Stop? Obama has crossed the line.

“The growth of government occurs in direct opposite proportion to the decrease of individual liberty.” ~ Ronald Reagan, 40th President of the United States of America

Barack ObamaIt’s a simple concept Democrats never seem to grasp, and this week the line drawn in the sand representing “TOO DAMNED FAR” has been moved once again. It is becoming standard practice for this line to be moved every few years.

In a letter to churches around the country the Obama Administration informed them that not only does the new Obama care health care law require them to provide medical insurance coverage for all their employees in every church, and archdiocese around the country but that coverage MUST include contraception coverage. Not going far enough the dictum from our new overseer says that such contraception coverage must be free, with no co-pay charge to the recipient, and it must include the so-called “morning-after” pill, RU486, which abort any fetus up to five days after unprotected sex leads to conception.

English: a catholic cross Français : une croix...

It’s bad enough that our government led by Nanny-in-chief Barrack Obama feels we MUST buy healthcare coverage from private industry vendors and the only qualification for such a requirement is that you are breathing. Now his continued attack on Christians, and Catholics in particular, is abusive and nasty and seemingly hateful. Catholicism is the religion practiced by more Americans than any other religion. And it’s teachings are that contraception is wrong and that abortion is murder. And before all you Pro-Choice advocates get your panties in a bundle settle down. I’m not advocating for Pro-Life, contraception, Pro-Choice, or any other life decision. I’m telling Obama to get out of my face and more specifically my religion.

English: cross catholic Pontevedra Français : ...

The first amendment to the U.S. Constitution reads as follows:

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”
             The anti-religious zealots have had a remarkable time reveling in the very first phrase in the most important of all amendments. But they continuously overlook the second phrase which I have put in bold. In establishing Obamacare and in interpreting the law to require Catholics to provide contraception to their employees President Obama and his team of “I know better than you” is telling the Catholic Church, “we don’t care about your free exercise of your religion. We’re telling you what we believe and YOU will follow.” It’s clearly unConstitutional.
              Those many of you who blindly defend all things Obama realize this, if Obama can require Pro-Life, or Catholic employers to require that health insurance provide contraception, including RU486, what’s to stop a future Conservative Pro-Life President from prohibiting contraception from being offered? 
President Bush signing the Federal Funding Acc...

Bush signed Patriot Act, Obama renewed it.

Just like the Patriot Act violates our right to privacy and our right against illegal search this step by the Obama Administration goes way to far into violating our liberties and our right to self-determination. The Patriot Act was enacted by President George W. Bush as an over-reach following the horrible terrorist attacks of 9-11. But as I feared at the time it’s now become standard and practiced law in this country. Obama renewed the Patriot Act, leaving it increasingly likely it may become permanent.

               To all Democrats I beg you. Stand up to your chosen leader and lets help roll back these government intrusions into our liberties, our rights, our beliefs, and our ability to pursue happiness. For if you turn a blind eye towards another man or woman’s injustice, the next injustice, the next infringement might be against you. Move the damned line back!
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  1. […] Where will it Stop? Obama has crossed the line. (mschuettblahblahblah.com) […]

    • Regarding your post- http://gravitysailor.com/government-politics/obama-hatred/#.TzmumkxWrbk
      I mean no disrespect but it’s hard to believe you ever voted for a Republican based on your list of grievances.
      1. Where in our Constitution does it say the Government is supposed to “take care of us”. I don’t want anyone taking care of me. Taking care of us is entirely a Socialist agenda item. It sits side by side with controlling us.
      2. Once again your point ignores the Constitution and you’ve now thrown in the Declaration of Independence. Number 1 on the list of the Bill of Rights (one would assume that means it was thought of as being MOST important) is freedom of religion and the right to exercise practice of that religion without Government interference. Obama’s mandate of requiring all church run organizations (Catholics in particular) to provide and pay for contraception and abortion (RU486 is an abortion pill) completely disregards THAT 1st amendment. And the Declaration of Independence declares that we are all endowed by our creator with “LIFE”. I don’t know when exactly “LIFE” begins, but it sure as hell begins some time prior to birth of a full grown infant. So we as a nation and in all humanity have a direct interest in protecting the life of the baby no matter what the circumstances of the woman. ( I happen to be pro-choice, but not as it’s currently allowed. )
      3. Obama stood on the floor of the Egyptian legislature and offered apologies to what amounted to the entire Arab world. Why? Because we defended Isreal, a democracy completely surrounded by people and nations that want them dead. It was ghastly to see.
      4. I can’t argue with you here regarding your points. Though rather than arguing over who’s worse in Government spending, Dems or GOP, shouldn’t we just agree both spend too much and spending should be cut?
      5. It doesn’t matter the source of the individual mandate whether its The Heritage Foundation or Mitt Romney or Barrack Obama. It’s a bad idea and once again unConstitutional. And I’m quite sure the Supreme Court will say so.
      Thank you for your thoughtful post. I wish I could agree with you more, but I do not.

  2. […] Where will it Stop? Obama has crossed the line. (mschuettblahblahblah.com) […]

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