Critical Race Theory is a Lie

The debate over Critical Race Theory continues to grow and seemingly grow in its contentiousness. I may be wrong, but I sincerely think most Americans would reject CRT if they only knew what it was. The fact is Critical Race Theory is a lie. And as was said by Adolph Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbells, people will believe any lie if it’s told often enough and loudly enough. That’s what’s happening today.

To dispute this lie lets start with what should be the first and most obvious aspect of CRT. It’s a theory! A theory isn’t fact. A theory is someone’s postulation, or opinion. It is unproven.

Basically, CRT says that the United State’s foundation was born of and maintained strictly on the basis of white supremacy. This would include the existence of slavery at the time of the founding of this country, but also include all institutions herein since all institutions were created by whites, i.e. the oppressors. All non-whites, blacks in particular, represent the oppressed.

At the time of the signing of the U.S. Constitution in 1789 five of the original 13 colonies banned slavery. By 1812 there were 18 states and those allowing slavery had balanced out, 9 were free, 9 allowed slaves. Maryland and Delaware (adopted home of Joe Biden) were the only non-Southern states that allowed slavery. It should also be pointed out that the huge majority of whites in the slave states didn’t own any slaves. Owning slaves was a “privilege” exclusively for the rich, which most Southerners were not. So, again, slave ownership was actually something only a tiny percentage of Americans engaged in. Does that sound like an entire nation built on white supremacy?

When the Civil War began, ostensibly over the issue of slavery, the number of free and slave states remained balanced. More than 600,000 Americans died in that war. More than 300,000 of them were white Union soldiers. At no time in world history has a nation of predominantly one race waged war to free a people made up entirely of another race, except in the United States Civil War.

Advocates of the Critical Race Theory continually point to the U.S. Constitution as proof of how the United States was a racist nation from the start. In particular they point to the clause therein that designates blacks as 3/5ths of a person. What the uneducated and willfully ignorant fail to understand is that the 3/5ths of a person clause was specifically intended to deter slavery and weaken its proponents. In order to form a more perfect union and get the Southern slave holding states to join with the Northern free states and ratify the Constitution compromises had to be agreed upon. So the North was willing to allow the South to keep its slaves, not without some heated debate at the Constitutional Convention. But the North didn’t want the South to use their slaves to their advantage when it came to Representation in Congress.

As we all should know the number of representatives each state is allocated for the U.S. House of Representatives is determined by population. Population is determined by the Constitutionally mandated 10 year Census. The more populous a state, the larger its representation in Congress. The North didn’t want slaves to count at all toward a Southern state’s Census count. They wanted the South weakened by diminished representation. The South had a problem. They allowed slavery based on the premise that blacks were not human and therefore not entitled to the equal protections under the law that a white person is entitled. But how could they claim such a horrible belief while asking that blacks count as people, equally with whites, in determining Congressional representation? So the 3/5ths of a person compromise clause was established. The North had succeeded in weakening the slave holding South while still establishing and maintaining the fragile union created by the Revolutionary War.

Of course after the Civil War and the ratification of the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution, Jim Crow laws permeated the South but also existed in many Northern states. Hell, unenforceable discriminatory laws still exist on the books in this author’s home state of Washington, to this day. Convenants in home developments all over Western Washington prohibit non-whites. Most of these were written in the 1940s and 50s and were simply ignored upon later becoming illegal. But they are still on the books.

But here’s the thing, and the reason I mentioned these abhorrent Covenants and Jim Crow, even if they are still on the books they are unenforceable, even if some low-life tried to enforce them, because other Americans, the majority of Americans found such racist discrimination unacceptable.

Critical Race Theory advocates want to point to our history, for the most part our distant history, to make the claim that we are a nation of white racist oppressors. What they fail to mention, intentionally I believe, is that it was mostly white people fighting and dying and debating and writing the laws and issuing the Supreme Court determinations that ended slavery and Jim Crow. These are Americans too. And the slave holders and the racists were and are today only a tiny minority of this country.

No nation in world history has freed more oppressed peoples, healed more sick people, fed more hungry people, and opposed more tyrants than the United States of America.

The United States is and has always been a majority white society. Though that is changing. But when a majority takes the extraordinary steps this country has taken to protect the rights of the minority, including writing such language into our Constitution, calling it a racist country and oppressive is historically inaccurate, and entirely ungrateful for the blessings bestowed upon all of our citizens and the world as a whole.

Realtors need Video Marketing

It’s 2016. Mr. or Mrs. real estate professional you no longer have an excuse for not AT LEAST looking into video marketing.

We know the excuses.

“I don’t have the money.” – A couple of thoughts here: 1. When are you going to get the money? When your invisibility on the internet magically brings you lots of new clients? We don’t mean to sound mean. LOL. But its true that to make money you must spend money. And every marketing expert will tell you video is key, along with a strong presence on the internet (i.e. social media). We know you’ve heard this at your real estate company’s monthly sales and marketing meetings. Haven’t you?

2. How do you know you don’t have the money if you don’t pick up the phone and call a video production expert, like Total Broadcasting service? It’s easy to dismiss something of which you have no knowledge. But when you invest the 5 minute phone call and 20 minute face-to-face meeting with someone who knows yours questions before you ask them and provides all the answers you will then authoritatively know if you have the money or not. Perhaps someone who has worked with other professionals like yourself can provide some ideas that you’ve not thought about.

“I can do the videos myself”- OK. Ignoring the FACT that your video production quality will inevitably be of poorer quality than what can be done by a professional, we must ask the obvious question, why haven’t you? Again, its an easy excuse to say you’ll do something and then never get around to doing it. It’s also a poor business decision to take all the time necessary for scripting, recording, editing, and then posting or placing your video where people can see it rather than concentrating your valuable time working on behalf of your clients buying and selling homes. Best to invest the money in someone whose entire business interest is in helping you grow yours.

“I get all my business through referrals”-  Let us repeat…its 2016. No matter how successful or unsuccessful your real estate business is, imagine how it could be if your referrals could actually find you on the internet thanks to some quality, well produced and well placed marketing, and introductory videos. In today’s internet age no referral just calls you based on someones recommendation. They Google you first. And if you are not showing up, or blanketing the 1st page Google search results, you know who will appear before the eyes of YOUR referral? Other Realtors. Other real estate professionals who spent the money, and time to get their presence seen on the search result for a local Realtor. That should be you in front of their eyes. But its not because you have no valid internet presence. We can change that.

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Don’t take our word for it. In a article titled Real Estate Marketing Ideas From 19 Top Experts nearly all of them specifically write about the need for professional videography/photography.

If we have finally convinced you to do what you know you should have been doing all along stop reading now. Stop surfing the internet now. Don’t click on another link. Let’s see if we can help you. Call Total Broadcasting Service at 425-687-0100. While they last we’ll give you a pair of Seattle Seahawks game tickets for this 2016 season just for becoming a new monthly video customer.

Thanks for visting. Share with your friends.

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Christians and Politics

Clinton trump

Well the conventions are over and done with for another Presidential election cycle. I sure feel a lot more enlightened, don’t you?

I know now that Hillary Clinton is a liar, crooked, corrupt, and has no significant accomplishments in her professional political life.

I am more recently aware of the fact that Donald Trump is a racist, homophobe, anti-Islamic, anti-migrant, and a failed businessman.

The Republican convention and Democrat convention which followed spent most of its time demonizing the opponent in this Fall’s Presidential election. And while I know many who are reading this now will openly and frequently say they HATE Clinton or they HATE Trump or the HATE both of them, I would ask you to consider your faith, or the faith that you claim to possess.

Are the descriptions I wrote about Trump and Clinton accurate? True? Like most people these negative characterizations are possibly true to some people and not true to others. It’s like those grainy cell phone videos of police shootings that we’ve all seen. Maybe half this country see’s police acting irresponsibly and abusing and sometimes killing innocent individuals. Different people seeing the exact same video see a potential criminal suspect resisting arrest and in doing so threatening the law enforcement officers; and in the natural progression of things being man-handled or shot. As much as you see one side, you have to acknowledge that others see the other side. And so we have conflict.

I am not a fan of Trump or Clinton. I don’t think either is nearly as bad as their detractors claim. I don’t know who I’m going to vote for. I’m leaning toward voting for the Libertarian ticket with former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson and his Vice-Presidential nominee former Massachusetts Governor Bill Weld.

But as I contemplate my choice and try to sway some toward my way of thinking I am constantly amazed how our “Christian” nation continually forgets the main tenants of our faith. The message from Jesus over and over and over again in our Bible is LOVE. 


We’ve all heard it whether you’re Christian or not, “A new commandment I give you is to Love one another…” John 13:34. It’s important to note that Jesus didn’t say “Love one another…unless the other guy is part of a different political party”. You, of course, will say “but how can I love Hillary, she lies. And her lies offend me”. Fortunately, Jesus once again has you covered. He said, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.” JOHN 8:7. Have you ever lied? Have you lied repeatedly in your life? Have you been caught for doing so? Now…here is the real tough question…have you ever been perpetually in the national spotlight under the hot lamps of scrutiny like Hillary Clinton has been for more than 25 years and lied and been caught? The answer is no. You haven’t. In fact few have in our nations history.

It’s easy to see that Jesus was telling us to not be hypocrites. But he was also telling us not to judge others. Love one another. But again you say, “I can’t love Trump. He is so vulgar. I think he’s a racist”. Well, Jesus hits back at us with Matthew 7:1 “Judge not. Or you will be judged”. Its seems he’s pretty consistent.

And when friends and even family members harangue you for your political affiliations remember what Jesus told Peter about the brother who repeatedly did wrong. Peter asked Jesus how many times should I forgive him? Seven times? Christ again demonstrates his endless capacity for love and responds, “I do not say to you, up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven.” Matthew 18:22. (That’s 490 times for the math challenged. Though I doubt Jesus was being literal)

Forgetting what our faith teaches us over and over and over and over again in this life…happens. It happens when Democrats advocate for a woman’s right to choose an abortion at any time in a pregnancy. Their forgetting that another’s life is what’s being chosen. And what does the Bible say about that? Well there’s Exodus 20:13 and Deuteronomy 5:17.  But Jesus himself said it as well,“You shall not murder, you shall not commit adultery, you shall not steal, you shall not give false testimony” Matthew 19:18. In fairness a lot of Republicans advocate for abortion as well. If Christian, they too have forgotten, or chosen to ignore what else Jesus said, “You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.” Matthew 5:21. And again, Republicans and Democrats are constantly forgetting the LOVE commandment with angry retorts to whatever the other says. The very next verse applies to all of us, Matthew 5:22.

Never in the history of Presidential elections have two more agitating and controversial candidates vied for the most power job in the world. And instead of the best they each seem to bring out the worst in our fellow Americans; which is good enough reason for me to seriously consider Gary Johnson. But it’s my prayer that we can all quickly realize, if you’re Christian, remember your faith’s teaching! The Bible, and Jesus doesn’t call them teachings. He calls them commandments! Or if you’re Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Agnostic, or Atheist we’re all Americans and above that we’re all humans. Life for you and your neighbors will be so much better if we disagree, agreeably, and remember to LOVE one another. “Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no greater commandment than these.” Mark 12:31

Thanks for visiting. Comments are welcome.

Call for Video Production Services: 425-687-0100

Call for Video Production Services: 425-687-0100

Half of All Americans Take Supplements- Why don’t You?

According to Harvard University’s Men’s Health Watch Newsletter roughly half of all Americans take at least one health or vitamin supplement on a regular basis. So…for the half of you doing so…ask yourself are you sure of what you’re putting into your body? Or could you do better with better products from more reputable suppliers?

For the other half not taking any health supplement to improve your nutritional intake, why are you? You realize you probably don’t get the best health benefits from your diet, right? You realize that even if you are very conscientious about your diet you still aren’t getting all that you need, because food no longer contains as many nutrients as they used too.

In its 2012 report Harvard reports that over $28-billion dollars were spent on supplements in 2010. The figure is considerably higher now.

Since 1993, AdvoCare has been a world-class nutrition company specializing in health and wellness, weight management, vibrant energy and sports performance. AdvoCare submits more of its products to independent testing than any supplement company in the world. AdvoCare also has more professional and Olympic athletes endorsing the products than any other company. And NONE of these athletes is paid by AdvoCare for their endorsement (the lone exception being our national spokesperson Drew Brees). And AdvoCare offers a money back guarantee. How many nutrition and/or supplement companies can say that?

Remember these fact when you buy your health supplements. You could be doing a lot better for yourself, and for your wallet.

This author has been a regular user of AdvoCare products since June 2012. Since beginning their regular use I’ve lost 45-50 pounds of fat and gained 5-10 pounds of muscle. My cholesterol count has dropped below 180. I’d never measured below 210. My pre-diabetic blood sugar levels have collapsed back down to safe levels. And I’m wearing a pant size I’ve not been able to wear for nearly 30 years. I simply feel and look better than at any time in my 50 years of life.

Products my family uses includes the following (just click on the pictures to be taken to a link in which you can order and try the products):

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Thanks for visiting. Comments are welcome.

Go to our website, read our story and try some AdvoCare. You won't regret it.

Go to our website, read our story and try some AdvoCare. You won’t regret it.

JFK: The Smoking Gun Has Too Many Holes

I walked all over Dealey Plaza. Here, the Book Depository is in my background.

I walked all over Dealey Plaza. Here, the Book Depository is in my background.

Last night, Sunday November 3, 2013, the ReelzChannel premiered the first of what are likely to be many JFK Assassination conspiracy documentaries we can expect to see on television this month. And while it provided some very interesting and, dare I say NEW views on who killed and how our 35th president was murdered in Dallas, Texas fifty years ago this month; the show’s conclusions and presentation left too many holes. Doing so will once again lead the conspiracy deniers to stand up for the Warren Commission‘s onerous claim that Lee Harvey Oswald killed John F. Kennedy alone, with nobody else involved. And if that proves to be true the ReelzChannel and the producers of JFK: The Smoking Gun did no favors in efforts to find out the truth.

November 22, 1963 stands as the single most tragic day in United States nearly 250-year-old history because our popular elected leader was taken from us under violent and suspicious circumstances while our nation’s safe guards barely trembled a response. Fifty years later nobody has conclusively determined the guilty parties let alone prosecuted any of them. Those responsible went along their merry way, controlling our country and by extension the rest of the world ever since and right up until this day. And while survey’s show most Americans don’t believe the Warren Commission’s conclusions, few care enough to do anything about it, presumably for fear of public backlash for being labelled conspiracy nuts as

Cover of "JFK - Director's Cut (Two-Disc ...

movie Director Oliver Stone was upon the seismic release of his 1991 film JFK.

Texas School Book Depository

Texas School Book Depository

JFK: The Smoking Gun’s most enthralling piece of fact that heretofore has not been widely publicized is so obvious I find it remarkable it’s never been a central theme of ALL other conspiracy theories prior to now. Former Australian police detective Colin McClaren said in the documentary and in his book of the same name that the infamous “Magic Bullet” theory developed by Warren Commission chief inspector Arlen Spector was in fact possible, accurate and likely. Many, including Stone in his movie, scoffed at the idea that a single bullet fired by Oswald’s rifle from the 6th floor corner window of the Texas School Book Depository building passed cleanly through Kennedy’s neck, then through the jump-seat chair in front of him striking Texas Governor John Connelly in the back, shattering a rib bone, exiting his chest and striking and breaking Connelly’s left wrist bone, and ultimately embedding 2 inches deep in the Governor’s thigh. The “full-metal-jacket” bullet was later retrieved in nearly pristine condition from a stretcher in Parkland Hospital where Connelly and Kennedy were taken after the shooting; and where the bullet was presumed to have fallen out of the leg.

McClaren then points out what nearly everyone, including the “Oswald did it crowd”, agrees upon. The fatal head shot that killed Kennedy was NOT a full metal jacket bullet, but was instead a hollow-point or exploding bullet. A Dum-dum bullet explains why Kennedy’s head exploded, and why the bullet itself was never retrieved but bullet fragments were. So here’s the obvious point everyone for 50 years has missed. If the magic bullet was a full metal Jacket, and the head shot bullet was a Dum-dum doesn’t it just make sense that there were two shooters. What sense would it make for a firearm to be loaded with two different types of bullets? Experts agree…such a practice is NEVER done. Therefore the conclusion…two different bullets…two different guns…two different shooters…and by definition we have a conspiracy. 

The John F. Kennedy Assassination

McClaren’s work follows that of author and ballistics expert, the late Howard Donahue. Donahue’s theory that a Secret Service agent in the car behind Kennedy fired the fatal head shot was recounted in his 1992 book Mortal Error. Donahue’s book as with the documentary last night said the shot was fired accidentally by an agent that was retrieving an AR-15 rifle upon hearing the first shots from the Texas School Book Depository. While the theory credibly outlines a believable scenario that the shot came from behind the President at or near ground level, and that Secret Service Agent George Hickey did possess the weapon at or about the time of the head wound, they provided zero information as to why they thought the shot was accidental versus intentional.  Given the massive cover-up that followed a pre-planned assassination involving Hickey and others in the Secret Service is far more believable than a spur-of-the-moment, reactionary but effective cover-up that McClaren and Donahue allege. They would have us believe that after accidentally discharging a rifle and mortally wounding the President of the United States the Secret Service Agents conspired in the car while driving a few, short minutes to Parkland Hospital all that was necessary to keep such a fact a secret. Preposterous!

So rather than latching onto the hard and verifiable facts of the case which include:

2 different bullets used.

At least 10 eye witnesses at ground level claim to smell gun smoke at the scene (impossible if the shots are fired 6 floors up and nearly 100 yards from the crime).

A Secret Service Agent in possession of a weapon and in position to commit the crime.

…and much more.

…those wanting to defend the status quo and keep their heads buried in the sand will just call McClaren and Donahue nuts; and justice will again be denied.

In February 2013 while attending AdvoCare Success School I visited Dealey Plaza, site of the crime of the century, and I walked throughout the 6th floor of the Texas School Book Depository Building. As I detailed in my blog Lee Harvey Oswald May Not Be Innocent, But He’s Not the Shooter of JFKOswald didn’t fire the fatal shot, or any shots that day. Evidence defending that claim includes a lack of Oswald finger prints in the snipers nest or on the weapon itself; a failed paraffin test on Oswald’s hands to determine if he had fired ANY weapon that day (including the alleged killing of Dallas police officer J. D. Tippet), and for me most certainly the impossibility that Oswald could traverse the distance from the snipers nest to the building’s 2nd Floor lunch room in the time necessary before he was seen there, calm, cool and collected, a mere 90-seconds after the last shot was fired.

It’s easy to dismiss the conspiracy allegations and go along our merry way ignoring the cabal that’s run, or treacherously effected this country in the past 50 years. Everybody does it. But ask yourself this: if you’re willing to ignore the obvious facts pointing to a conspiracy in the death of John F. Kennedy what makes you think those same dark influences aren’t steering this country and your life and life choices to this very day? Why wouldn’t they?

Thanks for visiting. Comments are welcome.

Go to our website, read our story and try some AdvoCare. You won't regret it.

Go to our website, read our story and try some AdvoCare. You won’t regret it.