Desperate Times and Desperate Measures for the President.

English: Seal of the President of the United S...

Recent decisions, announcements and policy steps by President Barrack Obama show two things. They show how far to the left his true politics are. And they show that he is approaching near desperation in his attempts to secure his re-election.

Obama would be only the fifth U.S. President to fail in his bid for re-election since the start of the 20th Century joining the list of

William Howard Taft (Bones 1878), son of the s...

William Howard Taft, Herbert Hoover,

President Herbert Hoover.

President Herbert Hoover.

Jimmy Carter,

English: James Earl "Jimmy" Carter

James Earl “Jimmy” Carter (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

and George H. W. Bush. Taft and Bush were both victims of a third-party candidate that took more from their presumed voter base than from their winning opponent. Such a situation doesn’t and isn’t currently likely to exist in this year’s Presidential race. Hoover and Carter were both booted from office in large part for presiding over bad economies. Something very much in play in this year’s contest.

In recent weeks Obama has seen voter polls between himself and Republican candidate Mitt Romney narrow to a point of where statistically its a dead heat. Obama has changed his previous position and declared himself in favor of Gay marriage. Then declared by Executive Order that illegal immigrants who were brought into this country by their illegal immigrant parents, could stay in this country and not face deportation from HIS U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. Finally in the past week at the request of his Attorney General Eric Holder, President Obama declared Executive Privilege on the documents sought by a House Committee in the Fast and the Furious gun running investigation.

The polls reflect the fact that Romney no longer has Republican opponents throwing daggers at him, and the increasingly discontented publics view of the stagnating economy. It’s natural that GOP voters would coalesce behind their candidate and that independents would come his way the more they learn about him. But Obama’s problem is that too many people who voted for him in 2008 are expressing disappointment and a desire to not support him this year.

In a widely viewed televised interview with Pastor Rick Warren Senator Barrack Obama said  “I believe that marriage is the union between a man and a woman. Now, for me as a Christian…it is also a sacred union. God’s in the mix.” Apparently no longer thinking it was sacred and that God  was no longer in the mix Obama bent to political pressure and pandered to his liberal base and said, “At a certain point I’ve just concluded that for me, personally, it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same-sex couples should be able to get married.” Obama had been forced to address the issue by his gaffe prone Vice-President, Joe Biden. The week before Biden said on a National TV show that same-sex couples ought to be able to get married. The media didn’t leave the subject alone everyday thereafter until Obama capitulated, once again demonstrating his lack of leadership. While some believe this change in position won’t lose him any votes it’s a widely held view that many blacks and Catholic Hispanics don’t look favorably upon this decision and won’t be as enthusiastic in supporting their man as they clearly were in 2008.

His move on illegal immigration seems less a change of position than it does a timely gesture toward the Hispanic voting block that he desperately needs to support him big-time in order for him to win re-election. It remains unfathomable to me that Obama and other Democrats can be so blind and insensitive to this nations least educated and poorest legal citizens by continually pushing for some form of amnesty for all illegal immigrants. All one needs to do is compare who you find working at your local fast food restaurant now compared to who used to be their 10-20 years ago. Where such jobs were typically held by teenagers, now their held largely by Spanish-speaking persons, many of whom we can presume are undocumented. A few years back I had carpeting installed in my home a few weeks after doing the same at a rental property we owned. Installation was done by two different companies. In each instance none of the 4-5 workers present at each job spoke English. I feel comfortable saying some, if not all, were illegals. And whats wrong with these observations? Simply, these jobs are not for the wealthy or well-educated or experienced. These jobs were for our young, and our less educated, less schooled, our poorer citizens. Furthermore, since these workers are not in this country legally and often work “off the books” they work for a lower wage, thereby forcing down the wages of competing businesses who hire legal citizens, subsequently making them poorer. One need only look at the unemployment rate overall, and specifically for those without a college education, those in a minority community to see that Obama has abandoned them in order to score some cheap political cache. At the time of this writing the overall unemployment rate is 8.2%. Among blacks its 13.6%. Hispanics its 11%. For those with only a high school diploma its 9.4%. For those without a high school diploma its 14.1%. Their jobs are being taken by lower wage illegals whom Obama lets stay in this country, and come into this country by failing to secure our borders, our security.

In the Fast and the Furious investigation, clearly Obama is doing one of two things. He’s either trying to cover his own ass. Or he’s protecting his hand-picked Attorney General. To claim that the House committee’s investigation, led by California GOP Congressman Darrel Issa, an election year Republican ploy ignores the fact that Obama waited 18 months since the time the subpoenas  were issued. It also ignores the fact the story was only being covered by the FOX News channel until Holder and the President put it front and center by ignoring a Contempt vote against Holder by Issa’s committee and moved to have the documents made off-limits by declaring Executive Privilege. Fast and Furious is the name given an il-advised American investigation of Mexico Drug dealers. The plan was to sell guns to associates of the drug lords in order to trace the guns, or follow them back to the heads of the gangster families. It became an issue when a U.S. Border Patrol agent was killed, allegedly by a person firing a gun bought from the Americans. To date guns sold in this scheme have been found at the scenes of 170 shootings in Mexico. Obama previously claimed he had no previous knowledge of or involvement in the Fast and the Furious operation. Now he claims Executive Privilege which he can’t do in most cases unless the documents under subpoena were from him or to him. Which is it Mr. President? To date Holder has yet to fire anyone responsible for the Fast and the Furious debacle. To date, no one has been held accountable.

Obama has attended more campaign fund-raisers than the previous five Presidents seeking re-election combined. He’s desperate to hold onto his office. We can only hope that American voters feel likewise about not retaining his services.

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